Chuck Spinney: Manufacturing Dissent – The Rise of the Tea Party as an Elite Front – Opposite of OWS

Below is an excellent interview with Anthony DiMaggio in Counterpunch.  DiMaggio author of The Rise of the Tea Party, due out in November 2011. He uses the “propaganda model” developed by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman in their book Manufacturing Consent to document and explain the Tea Party’s organizational dynamics for manufacturing dissent, and he …

Karl Marx, Libertarians, & OWS: End STATE Power RECAP

Phi Beta Iota:  Keep an open mind. This is deeply serious and directly relevant to understanding the convergence of the honest right, the honest left, and OccupyWallStreet. Don DeBar (aligned with Cynthia McKinney) sends: Zinoviev on Lenin and the (1905) Petrograd Soviet What Lenin meant to convey was that the Soviets were not the ordinary …

Mini-Me: General Strike Enters Current Thinking

“Rush and Crush.” Any questions? Police Violence Sparks General Strike Idea Within ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Occupy Oakland: As injured Iraq vet recovers, occupiers promise to ‘shut the city down’ Union Support for General Strike and Protests Nov. 2 Call for GENERAL STRIKE Nov. 2 – plus Occupy updates Occupy Oakland makes plans for citywide general …

Review: A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilisation – And How to Save it

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed 5.0 out of 5 stars Beyond 5 Stars – Superb Individual Effort, October 25, 2011 In its own way this book is every bit as good as such classics as The Collapse of Complex Societies (New Studies in Archaeology) or The Next Catastrophe: Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters …

Chuck Spinney: From Algeria to Libya –Lessons Not Learned + USG CIA Web of Deceit in Arabia RECAP

The triumphalism in the US surrounding the liquidation of Qadaffi may be short lived.  That is because most Americans do not appreciate how the legacy of anti-colonialism shapes the contemporary cultural DNA in North Africa or how influential that legacy has been in shaping the revolts of what is now called the Arab Spring.  There …