SchwartzReport: Phosperous Vital, Royals in Morocco Control It — And How Misguided Philathropy Joins Predatory Capitalism to Further Gut Humanity

I confess that when I read this story, I realized I had missed an important trend. This is a big deal, as it says, and it tells us that the days of industrial chemical based monoculture, depending on massive infusions of rock phosphates is doomed. The solution working with nature, not trying to dominate her. …

Owl: Gulag Wealth Fund – Tracking Predatory Capitalism

Gulag Wealth Fund In a recent and very interesting interview with author Cory Doctorow, he mentions Max Keiser’s “Gulag Wealth Fund”. Doctorow says: “And there’s this symbiotic relationship between criminalization or prohibition, and the people who benefit from enforcement, right? There’s a rogue economist named Max Keiser who has a notional fund, just a fund …

Paul Craig Roberts: The Social Cost of (Predatory) Capitalism — What Prostituted Economists Will Not Address

The Social Cost of (Predatory) Capitalism When I was a graduate student in economics, the social cost of capitalism was a big issue in economic theory. Since those decades ago, the social costs of capitalism have exploded, but the issue seems no longer to trouble the economics profession. Social costs are costs of production that …

Robert Steele: Saving America – Saving Capitalism. Start with the Truth.

SHORT URL: Saving America – Saving Capitalism. Start with the Truth. Ray Dalio is a Patriotic Genius – Can Lionel Inspire the President & the Public? Robert David Steele Bottom line up front: no amount of truth is going to get past the White House Deep State filters unless we can mobilize a special …

ANSWERS to Tomas in Brazil on Capitalism, Free Energy, Black Global Government, and Extra-Terrestials

1) The Global Black Government (GBG) is, at least, 100 years ahead of any openly know technology. This is really two issues: whether Extra-Terrestial (ET) Technology has been obtained from ETs, and whether technology such as free energy has been repressed to protect legacy investments.  I believe the answer to both is yes.  I have …

Nafeez Ahmed: Inclusive Capitalism an Empty Public Relations Campaign?

Inclusive Capitalism Initiative is Trojan Horse to quell coming global revolt Henry Jackson Society’s pre-emptive PR offensive seeks to popularise parasitic economic growth for the few Yesterday’s Conference on Inclusive Capitalism co-hosted by the City of London Corporation and EL Rothschild investment firm, brought together the people who control a third of the world’s liquid …