Yoda: President Trump Says There’s A “CABAL” Calling The Shots For Biden
Alert reader writes: That word again.
Alert reader writes: That word again.
Alert Reader sends in these provocative images suggestive of President Trump’s total control of selected figures who have in the past been controlled by the Deep State. Could this be the pre-disclosure tease?
There is no one working harder on the massive 2020 election and voter fraud than My Pillow CEO, Mike Lindell. The voter and election fraud has been documented in many ways, and it was used to steal the election from President Donald Trump. Insiders from the Deep State swamp, Democrats and Republicans worked together, along …
Continue reading “Greg Hunter: Election Fraud Proof Puts Trump Back in Office – Mike Lindell”
Alert Reader writes in: Even though I didn’t really get why, it hit me very hard tonight. SUEZ HAD TO BE -AND WAS- AN OPERATION. SUEZ has been a major international maritime traffic since day one. Hell, Drugs Weapons Humans Oil Raw material and finished products And pharmaceuticals.
On his last day in the White House, January 19, Donald J. Trump co-authored a flurry of sealed indictments, one of which charges Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett with high crimes and misdemeanors against America and its people, said a former USDOJ employee who helped Trump and then-acting AG Jeffrey Rosen research casework. Our …
Continue reading “Def Dog: Trump Authors Sealed Indictment on SCJ Amy Coney Barrett”
TRUMP ODE TO THE CORPORATION! D.C. is fenced off and the President is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking. Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the …
Continue reading “Marshall Masters: TRUMP ODE TO THE CORPORATION!”