Gordon Duff: Zionism Is Not Jewish, It Is a Satanic Offshoot of Freemasonry . . . The Luciferian-Deep State roots of Erdogan’s Holocaust in Idlib

The Luciferian-Deep State roots of Erdogan’s Holocaust in Idlib, What you will never be told Why is Erdogan backing al Qaeda against Russia and Syria? What is the tie between them? Both oppose “Baathism,” an anti-Masonic movement that took root in Egypt under Nassar, Syria under the Assad’s and Iraq under Sadam. Gaddafi? It recognized …

CounterPunch: Andrew Levine on Sanders & The Jewish Question (Judaism is Not Zionism and Zionism is Irreconciliable with Judaism)

Sanders After Corbyn: The Jewish Question It doesn’t help either that what was once deemed “a light unto the nations” has become an international pariah state. How could any right-thinking person, Gentile or Jew, not think of it that way – after the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians living within Israel proper, the imposition of an …

Worth a Look: Zionism vs. the West – How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture

A person can be brought into bondage in two different ways: by force or by his own will. Force is a crude way of bringing a person into submission, but using the persons own free will can be done sophistically and covertly. Under the banner of democracy and freedom, America has been under the bondage …

Yoda: Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism

RECLAIMING JUDAISM FROM ZIONISM Book Review by ALLAN C. BROWNFELD ——————————————————————- RECLAIMING JUDAISM FROM ZIONISM:  STORIES OF PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION Edited by Carolyn L. Karcher, Olive Branch Press, 371 Pages, $20.00 Full text of review below the fold.