Winslow Wheelers: Morally Bankrupt Flag Officers Need to Go + Pentagon Corruption RECAP

The Joint Chiefs of Staff testified to the House and Senate Armed Services Committees this week arguing that unless their budgets are augmented with still more money they will hollow out the armed forces. Most in the press and Congress didn’t read their assertions that way, but two near simultaneous reports that provide some meaningful …

DefDog: Was Petraus Bombed By a Zionist Bimbo Honey Trap? + Broadwell RECAP

The article reads as if JSOG and CIA were having a fight and JSOG wanted Petraeus gone.  That is not consistent with other reports that suggest that JSOG is not happy with CIA at the operational and analytic levels, and it also does not fully address the much higher probability that Broadwell, who is Jewish, …

Reference: Integrated Intelligence: The Future of Intelligence (2003)

PDF 15 pages: 2003 Integrated Intelligence Abstract Many classical depictions of intelligence suggest that individual human intelligence is part of a greater transpersonal consciousness. The concept of this integrated intelligence has resurfaced in contemporary times in a number of fields. This paper presents the ideas of four thinkers whose works incorporate integrated intelligence – Broomfield, …

Owl: Confirmation of John Brennan at CIA Equals Congressional Approval of Open Season on “So-Called Americans” — Without Due Process, At Home or Abroad — And Thousands More Extrajudicial Killings of Foreigners

This offers a brilliant analysis, a “connecting of the dots,” of why Petreaus was set up to leave CIA. But that’s not the main story. The general’s affair was cover used by Obama for getting rid of Petraeus to install Brennan for a special purpose: “If Brennan were to succeed Petraeus at the C.I.A., the …

Mongoose: Is General Patraeus Slated for “Suiciding?” + Meta-RECAP on No Rule of Law in USA

If General Patraeus appears to commit suicide anytime soon, it will not have been suicide and the White House and the Department of Justice and the FBI will cover up the murder.   Since the dual chain of command got away with the murder of JFK, the impunity with which they are willing to murder American …

INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 3: The Human Factor

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