Search: bibliography for osint (new master list of archive link tables and directory entry points)

OSS.Net Library Sortable Table of Contents 1.2 Sorted by Focus Author Year 1988-2009 OSINT-M4IS2 TECHINT Chronology Academic Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006) Analysis Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006) Budget Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006) Commerce Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006) Golden Candle & Platinum Lifetime Awards (1992-2006) Geospatial Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006) Government Archive …

Reflections on Lincoln, Principle, Compromise, Autonomous Internet & Citizen Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence 2.0 with Meta-RECAP

EDIT of 21 January 2013:  I have gotten both sharp criticism from folks I revere, and complements.  I am more than willing to delete this, but I am more interested in having people think outside the lines.  I’ve made some revisions, adding issues and readings in each section.   Email me as you please, robert.david.steele.vivas [at] …

NIGHTWATCH: French with UK Lift & Africans Handle Mali — SOF in Africa at Greater Risk? Islamists and Food Security — Islamists versus Separatists

Mali-France: Last Friday, France began its direct intervention in the Malian civil war, at the request of the Bamako government after Islamists, terrorist and jihadis captured a key town on the road from the north to Bamako. The immediate French objective was to stop the jihadis at Konna and to deter them from moving farther …

Free Training Handbooks

This is what we have found to date. Please let us know if you find another handbook that helps further the concept of public intelligence in the public interest.  The historic contributions are the “best in class” offerings of over 750 speakers at the annual international conference on “National Security & National Competitiveness: Open Source …

Chuck Spinney: Afghan Fraud, Permanent War, VERY Expensive – Robert Steele: $2 Trillion a Year for DoD is Criminally Insane

Obama may want out of Afghanistan, but he is under to pressure to stay, and the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (MICC) still has a budgetary interest in maintaining perpetual war, be it cold or hot ( for reasons I explained here). The bloom is off the Karzai rose (as Amy Davidson explained in her 11 Jan …

Berto Jongman: US Government Warns Over Vulnerable Control Systems Exactly Nighteen Years After Air War College, Winn Schwartau & Others Write to White House

US government warns over vulnerable control systems The US government has told thousands of companies to beef up protection of computers which oversee power plants and other utilities. The action comes after a survey revealed that thousands of these systems can be found online. The survey was carried out via a publicly available search engine …