Guest Post: Analysis of the Global Insurrection Against Neo-Liberal Economic Domination and the Coming American Rebellion

Guest Post: Analysis of the Global Insurrection Against Neo-Liberal Economic Domination and the Coming American Rebellion Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/26/2011 20:53 -0500 If you think what’s happening in Egypt won’t happen within the United States, you’ve been watching too much TV. The statistics speak for themselves. In previous Revolution Roundups, before we were …

Design Principles for Survivable Networks

  As Milo points out to build survivable networks  we “should look to an Internet era architecture where you have multiple independent networks of different capabilities that inter-operate with each other because they are IP networks. “ That is the exact premise and design of the Greenstar network – which is the worlds first Internet network where …

Diversity in Wholeness: “We were made different to complete each other…”

Dear friends, Two remarkable presentations of our common humanity and shared predicament showed up in my email today.  One is one of the most beautiful and intense videos I’ve ever seen and the other is a glimpse of the global spirit infusing the current uprisings in very diverse nations. Blessings on our shared Journey… Coheartedly, …