Review: Thinking in Time–The Uses of History for Decision-Makers
5.0 out of 5 stars Clever, Useful Guide to Presenting Intelligence to Policy, April 7, 2000
5.0 out of 5 stars Clever, Useful Guide to Presenting Intelligence to Policy, April 7, 2000
Muddy Waters, Rusting Buckets: A Skeptical Assessment of U.S Naval Effectiveness in the 21st Century by Robert D Steele Neither the U.S. Navy nor the U.S. Marine Corps are ready for the 21st Century. The current plan for a 320-ship Navy not only leaves America without sustainable power projection, but also makes no provision for …
SECRETARIAT GENERAL DE LA DEFENSE NATIONALE Flag Conference on Information Strategy 15 December 1995 WAGING WAR AND PEACE IN THE 21ST CENTURY Mr. Robert D. Steele, Chairman & CEO OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS Group Challenge of Change: Six Revolutions Changing Threat–Four Warrior Classes/law enforcement as the new legionnaires Changing Dimensions of Time & Space–War/Peace, Here/There, Long/Short …
Reva Basch is the hands-down Top Gun of the information broker world, now in retirement. She started the Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP), she led the series of books on Secrets of the Super-Searchers (one for each market segment) and did many other extraordinary things that epitomized the craft of public intelligence. She remains …
Continue reading “1994 Basch (US) Secrets of the Super-Searchers”
Harry Cllier created the Association for Global Strategic Information (AGSI) and has been the primary publisher for both Ben Gilad (arguably the top commercial intelligence advisor in the world) and Stephen E. Arnold (arguably the top information technology patent and capabiltiies analyst in the English-speaking world). He has long been a “hub” for the information …
It was a privilege to be asked by the National Research Council to comment on the U.S. Army’s multi-billion dollar future communications architecture. I noticed immediately that the entire program assumed self-generated bits and bytes and made no provision, ZERO PROVISION, for acquiring and making sense of external information from anyone outside the DoD “grid.” …
NEW: 1990 Expeditionary Environment Regional & Country Summaries General Al Gray, USMC, then Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) created the Marine Corps Intelligence Center (MCIC) at the same time that he created the Marine Corps University (MCU). He was guided by the reality that the larger serices–the Army, Navy, and Air Force–devoted all of …