Tom Atlee: Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy?

Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy? Dear OZY Third Rail folks, You ask “Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy?“ Your question dances around an even bigger, even more important situation, without actually acknowledging it and its related question: Is it realistic to depend on our current form …

Robert Steele with David Seaman: Intense Interview in 2 Parts

Robert Steele with David Seaman, “(Former) CIA Officer INTENSE INTERVIEW, Part I,” Fulcrum (Bitchute, 17:36), January 24, 2018 and “(Former) CIA Officer INTENSE INTERVIEW, Part II,” Fulcrum (Bitchute, 35:07) January 24, 2018. Phi Beta Iota: David Seaman has been abused by #GoogleGestapo. We support him in principle and believe he merits attention as one of …

Mongoose: Vaccinations as a Form of Triage — 99% Get the Make You Stupid and Infertile Version…

This 2009 article went viral and received over 300 million reads. It shut out Google for the first six thousand hits, got translated into every language, triggered policy changes in several nations and made it to publications from Pub Med to several major religions. This is the number one most read article this site ever …