Review: Comeback America–Turning the Country Around and Restoring Fiscal Responsibility (Hardcover)

Ten Years Late, More Whimper than Roar February 7, 2010 David Walker I was watching David Walker as he served nine of his fifteen years at Comptroller General, with light-weight whimpers to Congress until he finally got Peter Peterson to bail him out of government and give him a chunk of cash for making movies …

Review: Mandate for Change–Policies and Leadership for 2009 and Beyond

Rotten Job by Publisher, Too Expensive January 1, 2010 Chester W. Hartman et al I would normally have bought this book, I used past Mandate for Change books to devise the twelve core policies for Earth Intelligence Network (Agriculture, Diplomacy, Economy, Education, Energy, Family, Health, Justice, Immigration, Security, Society, Water), and I was very intrigued …

Review DVD: The AMERICAN Ruling Class

Truly Remarkable–Provokes & Entertains December 10, 2009 Robert Altman, James Baker, Bill Bradley, Harold Brown, Hodding Carter, William Coleman, Walter Cronkite, Barabara Ehrenreich, Vartan Gregorian, Robert Hackney, Doug Henwood, Mike Dedavoy, Joseph Nye, Samuel Peabody, John Perkins, Pete Seeger, Lawrence Summers, Arthur Sulzberger, William Taft,  Kurt Vonnegut, Howard Zinn This DVD is superb and also …

Review: The End of America–Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot

Needs to Be Said, Needs to Be Read, A Solid First Step December 10, 2009 Naomi Wolf American Freedom Campaign I disagree with those that criticize this book. This is PRECISELY the kind of book we need to see, at a reasonable price, being discussed in schools, clubs, and churches. QUOTE page 27: “The Founders …