Stephen E. Arnold: The Noisy (Useless?) Internet

Optimizing the Noisy Internet Humans love to complain, especially the older generations about how their youth was superior to the current day.  Alan Franzoni rants about how the Internet has gotten too noisy in “Stopping The Internet Noise-A Useful Internet Back Again.”  Franzoni complains that the modern Internet is not as useful as the Internet …

Owl: Human-Animal Hybrids – Genetic Experiments Gone Very Wrong or Evidence of Increased Environmental Toxins, or Both?

Human-Animal Hybrids – Genetic Experiments Gone Very Wrong or Evidence of Increased Environmental Toxins, or Both? This web site (first link) explores an alternative theory of evolution, it collects and has collected a large number of pictures and videos or links of goats, sheep and other animals with human-like faces and characteristics. The site producer …

#UNRIG Log RV 1 Day 4

Today we are in Memphis, Tennessee at the home of a family with a strong interest in restoring integrity to our election system. Today we also had our first inquiry from a major organization representing all voting officials across the USA. While we wait for MeetUp reinstatement I am finding that people are getting in …

Tom Atlee: Extinction-Level Issues & Wise Democracy

Extinction-level issues and wise democracy Much of the wisdom we need to address such mega-issues already exists. Most of these solutions are dispersed* and not broadly recognized and agreed-on. Furthermore, we have failed to demonstrate a collective capacity to implement such solutions in sustainably intelligent, integrated, responsive ways. The barriers to collectively recognizing and implementing …