Phantom Phixer: Buzz Aldrin + on Space, Mars, Etc.

Don’t let the liars get you down.  There is ample support for your stated view that we have a colony on Mars, probably utilizing involuntary labor and perhaps consisting of many individuals who started out as kidnapped children. Lockheed Martin is probably the lead contractor on this one.  Tim White aka Phantom Phixer References with …

Michael Salla: Expolitics — Including Mars Colony…

I have worked with a number of whistleblowers who say that the USMC/DON recruits young marines and seamen for 20 and back assignments with a secret space corps that provides personnel for major corporations that have colonies on Mars.The earliest cases begin from 1976, which I note coincides with your recruitment into the USMC.

Spanda Journal: Collective Enlightenment

We are pleased to inform you that the Spanda Journal special issue on  “Collective Enlightenment” is out, you can read it online, or download your free copy here. The edition features 25 insights on the state of the art in Consciousness and Enlightenment studies:

Stephen E. Arnold: Dark Web Notebook — Core Reference

Stephen E Arnold: Dark Web Use Expected to Increase Author predicts filtering and other restrictions on the open Internet will push more users toward secret encrypted platforms Despite stepped-up efforts by federal and local law enforcement agencies, the Dark Web and the contraband markets that thrive there will continue to grow in the coming years. …