Mongoose: Aga Khan as World Player?

A citizen inquires…. AGA KHAN: myth, mythology or something different entirely? In the past few decades, the world at large has become increasingly familiar with names such as Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Buffett, Gates, recently joined by the likes of Zuckenberg and Elon Musk. Extremely wealthy and visible individuals, with countless non-profit organizations and openly admitted …

Betty Boop: TRUMP CARE — Simplicity with Honesty?

A citizen offers this commentary. TRUMPCARE – A Simple Replacement for Obamacare! The “HOOKS”! The idiom – “get your HOOKS into someone” means “having influence, control, or possession over another person”! The “Hooks” that health insurance companies utilize  to brainwash people into thinking they need expensive health insurance are the FEAR of having to pay …