Pedophilia Pedopredation Live Art and More — a Plan for Mapping the Elite Pedophiles Through Art?

Modern Art Scandal Uncovered: Are Children shipped in boxes as “LIVE ART” under the “ART FOR EMBASSIES PROGRAM” to feed Pedophiles and Cannibals? Modern art being used as open code by pedovores — we can map them all….on top of what we already have from NSA, this particular map — the images next to the …

Carine Hutsebaut: Thoughts on Documenting Pedophilia / Pedopredation

Carine Hutsebaut Psychotherapist and Criminologist and author on child sex abusers and child murderers. Frequent Expert Witness and profiler for ministries of justice across Europe. Founder of the International Center for Molested and Abducted/Adopted Children. Author of the book, Child Hunters: Requiem of a Childkiller (Xlibris, 2011). Member of the Academy of Behavioral Profiling. Multiple …

Gareth Porter: Benjamin Netanyahu on Iran Nuclear: Big Fat Liar III

The Latest Act in Israel’s Iran Nuclear Disinformation Campaign Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim in his theatrical 20-minute presentation of an Israeli physical seizure of Iran’s “atomic archive” in Tehran would certainly have been the “great intelligence achievement” he boasted if it had actually happened. But the claim does not hold up under careful …

Mongoose: US City Bans Zionist Training of US Police — Focus on Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as the Zionist “Fixer” in the USA

US City’s Ban on Police Training in Israel Builds Momentum Against Racist Violence Durham, North Carolina’s city council banned police exchanges with Israel in a landmark vote. Jewish Voice for Peace director Rebecca Vilkomerson says this is an important step to combat police brutality, militarization, and oppression of Palestinians.