ANSWERS by Robert Steele for Joseph Cotto, San Francisco Review of Books

The San Francisco Review of Books is about to start posting some of Robert Steele’s 2000+ non-fiction reviews for Amazon (all available free online in both lists and by each of 98 categories at Phi Beta Iota / Reviews).  Here are some answers he offered to our questions in five short postings: As Published: 01 …

SPECIAL: It’s Official — Jim Clapper is Both Dishonest & Dysfunctional — “The Deep State is Under Attack, I Cannot Live With My Shame….”

James Clapper: Our Institutions ‘Are Under Assault’ Both Externally and Internally Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says the United States’ political institutions are currently “under assault” both externally and internally, in the wake of President Donald Trump’s firing of ex-FBI Director James Comey.

The Steele Report

The Steele Report consists of a text report each Monday with links and graphics, generally 2,500 words; and an interactive video each Saturday in which 25-35 questions submitted by subscribers are answered in the first 60 minutes, and then there is an impromptu conversation for another 30 minutes. The Steele Report is conceptualized as a …

Robert Steele: The Syrian Missile Attack — Theatrics & House Cleaning? False Flag Attack Organized by McCain, Brennan, McMaster, Funded by Saudi Arabia and Israel? (Trump Revolution 10)

The Syrian Missile Attack –Theatrics & House Cleaning? The outrage across America over the US missile attack against a Syrian air base is universal – only the Zionists and their increasingly desperate neo-conservative fellow travelers are happy. It is clearly understood by the US public at large that the so-called sarin gas attack was a …