Zero Hedge: Satantic Temple Embraced by Left, Satan Against Trump — This Is A Fight Trump Can Win!

‘The Satanic Temple’ Has Evolved Into An Anti-Trump Movement, And Leftists Are Flocking To It The Satanic Temple is the perfect religion for progressives.  You can believe anything you want, as long as you hate what Donald Trump, Christians and conservatives believe.  Unlike the Church of Satan, the Satanic Temple doesn’t even believe in a …

Robert Steele: Notre Dame Cathedral Burning False Flag, Organized by Macron, Insurance Fraud, Funding Paris Olympics, Saving EU & Central Banks UPDATE 18

SHORT URL: I was  devastated by the total burning of Notre Dame cathedral, a place where I once prayed in thanks for one of my son’s who survived what might otherwise have been a certain death. The parallels to both the Reichstag Fire and 9/11 loomed. Then I heard from the shadow foreign minister …

John Pilger: Assange Arrest a Warning…

Assange Arrest A Warning From History  The glimpse of Julian Assange being dragged from the Ecuadorean embassy in London is an emblem of the times. Might against right. Muscle against the law. Indecency against courage. Six policemen manhandled a sick journalist, his eyes wincing against his first natural light in almost seven years.

Berto Jongman: Bill McKibben’s New Book FALTER, Five Ways Humanity Could Die Big

REVEALED: The five ways the human race could be WIPED OUT because of global warming The deadly possible effects of global warming have been laid bare in a new book that reveals how disease, starvation and rising tides could kill off human beings  ‘FALTER: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?’ lists the …

Robert Steele: Saving America – Saving Capitalism. Start with the Truth.

SHORT URL: Saving America – Saving Capitalism. Start with the Truth. Ray Dalio is a Patriotic Genius – Can Lionel Inspire the President & the Public? Robert David Steele Bottom line up front: no amount of truth is going to get past the White House Deep State filters unless we can mobilize a special …

Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin — Deep State Playbook

TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin (Trine Day, 2015) 7 Stars Life Transformational – A Seminal Work Integrating Deep Looks from Others – A Mind-Altering Soul-Enhancing Book Given the author’s past as a former Russian intelligence employee, I have considered the possibility that this book is an active disinformation treatise.  While some …