Chuck Spinney: Global Moral Downside of Privatizing US Military Support

In the late 1980s, under the leadership of Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, the Pentagon began to privatise many of  the military’s support services that had traditionally be done soldiers, sailors, and airmen — laundries, dining halls, security guards, cleaning latrines, some supply functions, etc.  It was argued at the time that this would save …

DefDog: Words That Might Get You Labeled a Terrorist

Interesting reading… Revealed: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don’t want the government spying on you (and they include ‘pork’, ‘cloud’ and ‘Mexico’) Department of Homeland Security forced to release list following freedom of information request Agency insists it only looks for evidence of genuine threats to the U.S. and not for …

John Robb: Automation of Censorship and Extra-Judicial Assassination

The Automation of Government Coercion Posted: 25 May 2012 09:10 AM PDT I recently did a series of interviews for an international venture investing newsletter called Capitalist Exploits.  Here’s a question I got that I thought we be of interest to GG readers.  I’ve extended the answer a bit from the original in the interview. …

VIDEO (11:02): Warren Pollock Interviews Robert Steele on Open Source Everything

Robert Steele author of the book The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust joins us in an integrity inspired talk on his new book. “In the United States, where every form of organization from government to banks to labor unions has betrayed the public trust—is integrity. Also lacking is public intelligence in the sense …

DefDog: The Hillary Clinton Hack on Al Qaeda That Was Not….

The Hack That Wasn’t: Sec. Clinton and Operation AdWords Kim Zetter WIRED, 24 May 2012 When news outlets recently quoted U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claiming that State Department operatives hacked the websites of al-Qaida affiliates in Yemen, we didn’t know whether to be proud of the feds’ leet skills or appalled at the …

PETITION Deadline 19 June, For Open Access to Taxpayer-Funded Research Information

we petition the obama administration to: Require free access over the Internet to scientific journal articles arising from taxpayer-funded research. We believe in the power of the Internet to foster innovation, research, and education. Requiring the published results of taxpayer-funded research to be posted on the Internet in human and machine readable form would provide …