4th Media: Rodrigue Tremblay – US Policy of Isolating Russia and Expanding NATO Is a Dismal Failure

US Policy of Isolating Russia and Expanding NATO Is a Dismal Failure Rodrogue Tremblay 4th Media, 8 March 2014 [NATO’s goal is] to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down. — Hastings Ismay, first NATO Secretary-General Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded …

Berto Jongman: Izborsk Club Itemizes US/NATO Acts of War Within Ukraine Against Russia — Now Being Replayed by Sorcha Faal and Others

Izborsk Club sees a plan for war over the Ukraine EXCLUSIVE: Citing Cuban Missile Crisis, Leading Russian Grouping Sees Plans for War Over Ukraine http://larouchepac.com/node/29800 Written by experts for the Izborsk Club, an influential intellectual group accorded prominence by President Vladimir Putin in recent months, the statement defines a “fascist and Nazi creeping coup” in …

Richard Wright: Reflections on NATO Commentary — US Needs to Drop Down to Observer Status with Russia — Steele Comments

I think your thought piece on NATO is excellent, but somewhat incomplete.  NATO is the diplomatic and administrative headquarters, but the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) is the actual C2 for NATO military operations In my opinion, the U.S. needs to back out of NATO and its operational counter part SHAPE and leave both …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria-Russia-EU-NATO Update

Syria- Russia-European Union: The military-technical cooperation contracts between Russia and Syria have not undergone changes, said Syrian Ambassador to Russia Riyad Haddad. “All agreements signed between Syria and Russia are being implemented without any changes made,” he told the press on Monday. Haddad was commenting on reports claiming that Russia has frozen S-300 missile systems’ …

Berto Jongman: NATO Gladio B, Ayman al-Zawahiri as Asset, Destabilizing Russian Border Countries….NSA Barred from Monitoring Azerbaijan, Turkey, Belgium, and UK + GLADIO/False Flag Meta-RECAP

A great deal of information.  Being read in Europe. Special Report | Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda chief spiked? FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds was described as “the most gagged person in the history of the United States” by the American Civil Liberties Union. Was the Sunday Times pressured …

Matthew Ehret: Russia Wants to be Relevant, Feels Squeezed by China and Other Popular Delusions of a Dying Technocracy

Russia Wants to be Relevant, Feels Squeezed by China and Other Popular Delusions of a Dying Technocracy Are geopolitical analysts in the west seriously delusional enough to believe that Russia and China can be undermined? It was only one month ago that the world found itself trapped on a fast track to nuclear war between …