Richard Stallman

Below the fold are thirteen links to the most important statements from Richard Stallman, father of GNU (GNU’s Not Unix), and arguably the most important mind responsible for starting the Open Source Everything revolution. He prefers the term Free.

CounterPunch: Trump Sucks So Many Ways….

Phi Beta Iota: While we support our legitimately-elected president, we are very concerned about the possibility that he has been bribed, blackmailed, even mind-controlled (psychotronics) into serving the Deep State. The below articles from one issue of CounterPunch paint the darkest possible picture.

Robert Steele: Vatican Pedophilia & Illuminati Blood Drinking UPDATE: PedoEmpire Book Free Online

In the aftermath of my speech in NYC on 18 May 2017, to an audience that was 50% fans who are already awake and 50% New Yorkers who are not yet awake and were therefore shocked by my mention of the Vatican as part of the Deep State and the role of pedophilia and child …

Owl: Trump and the Oligarchy Are One — Was It $20B or $30B That Bribed Trump?

Oligarchy and Trump are One This article, drawing from an old sociological study on oligarchies supplanting democracies, provides further evidence that Trump no longer represents a populist constituency, he is fully enrolled in the oligarchic agenda. New boss is same as the old boss. Trump is the new face of the oligarchy he railed against …