SPECIAL: Obama-Appointee and Trump-Hater Rick Bright Blocked HCQ — Indict Him Along with Fauci?

Alert Reader reacts to our earlier post Robert Steele: Association of American Physicians & Surgeons Files Suit to Release Hydroxychloroquine — FDA as Corrupt as CDC (and FCC), All Three Should be PUT DOWN (Interestingly, when one digs into the affair, it comes out that the policy blocking HCQ comes from a certain Rick Bright, …

Robert Steele: Association of American Physicians & Surgeons Files Suit to Release Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) — FDA as Corrupt as CDC (and FCC), All Three Should be PUT DOWN

Preliminary Injunction Sought to Release Hydroxychloroquine to the Public Today the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons filed its motion for a preliminary injunction to compel release to the public of hydroxychloroquine by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), in AAPS v. HHS, No. 1:20-cv-00493-RJJ-SJB (W.D. …

Chuck Baldwin & Ron Paul: “We Are Facing The Greatest Assault On Our Civil Liberties In Our Lifetimes”

“We Are Facing The Greatest Assault On Our Civil Liberties In Our Lifetimes” Dr. Paul gave the best assessment of this so-called pandemic when he said, “We are facing the greatest assault against our civil liberties in our lifetimes.” That is indeed the bottom line. Every other argument about or aspect of this “crisis” pales …

Robert Steele: Historian Calls 2020 for Biden — NOT SO FAST!

Biden will beat Trump, says historian who predicted every presidential race since 1984 I think he is wrong. Most, not all, have figured out that the fake pandemic, like the Russian witchhunt and the impeachment, were attacks on the President and attacks on America. Most see the contrived social unrest based on lies and using …