Jean Lievens: 7 Ways Big Data Could Revolutionize Our Lives by 2020 — Comment by Robert Steele

7 Ways Big Data Could Revolutionize Our Lives by 2020 TEXT SUMMARY: 1. Websites and Apps will be safer. 2. Everyone could have access to higher education. 3. Landing a job will become easier. 4. Roads will be safer. 5. We’ll predict the future for smarter business. 6. We’ll predict the weather and protect the …

Jean Lievens: Diana Filippova from Paris – Collective Intelligence or Digital Total War?

Of cooperation between men and machine For a peer-to-peer approach to collective intelligence It’s eight a.m. on a Monday morning in 2007. In the Arcueil examination centre, a thousand heads crane with difficulty over wooden desks that are damaged by pens scratching across thin sheets of paper. Railway lines surround the enclave; trains make the …

Marcus Aurelius: War Games Test 2 Versions of US Army — Current and Planned Army Loses Big, Innovation Army Triumphs

War game compares response of 2 versions of future Army By Lance M. Bacon Staff writer Army Times, Nov. 25, 2013 – 06:00AM A reduced reliance on airfields and seaports in a recent war game resulted in increased speed and entry operations. New Gear: What’s next If necessity is the mother of invention, get ready …

Review: Theodore and Woodrow – How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom

Andrew P. Napolitano 7 Stars — Documents Presidential Perfidy – Life Transformative for This Reason I broke with the Republican Party over Iran-Contra and belatedly, the one trillion a year that Reagan started shamelessly borrowing to fund the dual welfare system — a dysfunctional military-espionage-industrial complex for the right, and a dysfunctional regulatory myopic and …

David Swanson: ENDING ALL WAR: An Idea Whose Time Has Come — For Our Children and All Future Generations

ENDING ALL WAR: An Idea Whose Time Has Come — For Our Children and All Future Generations By David Swanson and David Hartsough with input from George Lakey, Jan Passion, Mike Ferner, Colleen Kelly, Ruth Benn, Leah Bolger, Nathan Schneider, Hakim, Paul Chappell, Colin Archer, Kathy Kelly, et alia. (none of whom are to blame …

SchwartzReport: Celibacy Syndrome in Japan — An End to Skin on Skin, Heart to Heart?

This is an extraordinary trend going on in Japan. It is a very clear example of how national beingness is shaped through unnumbered small seemingly mundane choices made by individuals. Why Have Young People in Japan Stopped Having Sex? Abigail Haworth – The Guardian/Observer (U.K.) Ai Aoyama is a sex and relationship counsellor who works …

4th Media: What Will Happen to the Global Economy If BRICS Announce Launch of New Currency – BRISCO?

What Will Happen to the Global Economy If BRICS Announce Launch of New Currency – BRISCO? Peter Koenig, a former World Bank economist and a Voice of Russia regular, outlines one of the scenarios in which America’s plans for a New World Order are broken. Part I For several decades, we’ve been told by the mainstream media …