Chuck Spinney: Buy Before You Fly … How to Suck Money During Sequestration […Legalized Treason?]

The joint-service F-35 strike fighter is the Pentagon’s largest program. In fact, it is the most expensive procurement program in the Pentagon’s history.  It is also an unfolding disaster that is well documented, but of almost unimaginable proportions.  And yet, the F-35 is impervious to budget cutbacks in sequesterland.  Not surprisingly, among the cognoscenti of …

Open Power: Democracy Lost & Found Essay, Book Review Blurbs and Links [Updated 3 MAR 2015]

NEW: Kindle Book Open Power ($2.99) OLD: Core Documents for Both Initiatives (Free) OLD: the foundation book The Open Source Everything Manifesto ROBERT STEELE: There are two schools of thought on effecting political (and hence economic and social) reform. One school is the school of love — this school emphasizes trust building and doing no …

Theophillis Goodyear: Subprime Mortgage — Open Source Could Have Prevented, but Various Information Pathologies (Corruption of Government Being One of Them) Enabled the Fraud

The Subprime Mortgage Crisis: A Perfect Example of the Potential Benefits of Open-Source Governance in the Real World The article: The Nature and Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, (San Jose State University Department of Economics) says,”The guilt for the subprime mortgage financial crisis lies both with the lenders who knowingly put borrowers into booby …

INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 2: The InfoSphere & Its Enemies

Utilizar el Traductor de Google en la parte superior de la columna central Utilisez Google Translate au haut de la colonne du milieu Google’ın Orta Sütun Top of Çevir kullanın Используйте Google Translate в верхней части среднего столбца Sử dụng Google Translate Đầu Cột Trung उपयोग Google मध्य स्तंभ के शीर्ष पर अनुवाद 在中间一列的顶部,使用谷歌翻译 04 …

Reference: John Brennan’s Opening Statement — Extreme Fluff + CIA Meta-RECAP

PDF 8 Pages:  Statement for the Record to the SSCI of 7 Feb 2013 (John Brennan) One useful insight:  “Trust deficit” between Congress and CIA has never been greater. One questionable rah rah:  103 stars on the wall.  Counting Khost Kathy, at least half and probably more like two thirds are deaths that resulted from …

Virginia Abernathy: Let the Banks Fail, Put Them in Jail, Stop Screwing the Citizens So Government Can Rake in 5% Kick-Backs at the Political Level!

Last Lap Dance for the Bankers – Iceland Speaks Let the banks go down says Olafur Grimsson at the World Economic Forum in Davos [Editors Note: Virginia is retired from the Vanderbilt University Medical School and at Harvard’s before that. She has been a long time American Heritage activist, and has spent many years fighting …