Jon Rappoport: Three Men Who Naked Short Sold the USA? Larry Fink (Blackrock), Joseph Hooley (State Street), and Mortimer Buckley (Vanguard Group)

Dispatches from the War: Three men who control corporate America Why did mega-corporations accept the Covid lockdowns?The three men are Larry Fink, Joseph Hooley, and Mortimer Buckley. Buckley is the CEO of the Vanguard Group. Hooley is the CEO of State Street. Fink is the CEO of BlackRock. “Together, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street have …

Robert Steele: 5G Pneumonia, Activated Nano-Bot Causing Blood Clots – COVID-19 / Coronavirus is Both a Fraud and a Crime Against Humanity

Pathologist found blood clots in ‘almost every organ’ during autopsies on COVID-19 patients I was the first to connect 5G to the fake pandemic (real virus, real deaths) in my mid-February article, Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? I have known for years of nano-bots inserted …

James McCanney: Holodomor — Communist Manifesto USA! Are We Facing a Food Crisis This Winter? The Ukraine Experience Comes Home.

Holodomor – USA 2020 to 2021 – The Communist Manifesto comes to the USA …read the yellow highlighted parts in the article at the end of this discussion and just look at the USA today … the Communist Manifesto game plan is being played out here EXACTLY including the stoppage of food which is already …

Berto Jongman: Open Technology – Costs of Connectivity

The Cost of Connectivity 2020 Access to the internet is far from equal, and the digital divide disproportionately affects Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities and low-income households. We’ve long known that cost is one of the biggest barriers to internet adoption, and it is likely to become an even bigger barrier as …

James Fetzer: Rebecca Carnes on Sandy Hook Crime Family Structure — Malevolent Force Rules Newtown — Many Locations Across the USA?

“… A malevolent force has burrowed deep into Newtown, feeding off our good spirits like a parasite. It is especially dangerous to our most innocent – our children. What is unfolding in our town, our country and our world right now is not just a battle between truth and lies that make up our reality, …