Secrecy News: From Gingrich to Obama–“We Don’t Need No Stinking Constitution…”

EXTRAJUDICIAL TARGETING OF AMERICANS CHALLENGED Two civil liberties organizations said they will file a legal challenge against the government’s suspected targeting for assassination of an American supporter of Al Qaeda, arguing that under the U.S. Constitution no citizen can be “deprived of life… without due process of law.” The American Civil Liberties Union and the …

The 19 most influential cybersecurity organizations in the world (GAO)

The Government Accountability Office identified 19 global organizations “whose international activities significantly influence the security and governance of cyberspace.” The organizations range from information-sharing forums that are non-decision-making gatherings of experts to private organizations to treaty-based, decision-making bodies founded by countries. The groups address a variety of topics from incident response,  the development of technical …

The $12 Computer aims to introduce the world’s cheapest computer programs to the poor by utilizing the technology of old 8 bit computers. The Apple II computer, which had its heyday in the 1970s in the West, has lived on in the developing world, where its technology is now open source and easy to manufacture. As a …

Review: Green Gone Wrong–How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolution

Combines Holistic Thinking with Drill-Down Detail August 1, 2010 Heather Rogers This is a solid five in my view because the author goes beyond weaving a story about green gone wrong in three main areas (food, shelter, transportation), providing what almost all other books miss: the systems of systems “its all connected” and “what’s good …

Wyly Brothers, Top Republican Bankrollers, Accused of Massive Fraud

By Dave Levinthal on July 29, 2010 Charles Wyly Jr. and Samuel Wyly, Texas businessmen and brothers who are among the nation’s most generous campaign donors to Republican political candidates and causes, were today hit with a Securities and Exchange Commission lawsuit accusing them of fraud worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The SEC accuses the Wylys of …