J. C. Cole: Global Food Supply Chains Beginning to Erode, Crisis Looms?
As predicted by the Gray Swan reports. Global Food Supply Chains Beginning to Erode, Crisis Looms? Phi Beta Iota: The “foodshed” is not just about growing and processing food, but about transport, cleaning, packaging, and so much more. A very fragile chain.
J. C. Cole: Food & Fuel Crisis Looms in the USA
In one of my first posts on Gray Swans I focused on food sustainability: JC Cole: American Gray Swans USA 14 Feb 2019 Most Americans mistake “Food Production Volume” with “Food Security”. Obviously they are not the same. In America we have a substantial “Food Production Volume” but we have no “Food Security”. Food Security …
Continue reading “J. C. Cole: Food & Fuel Crisis Looms in the USA”
Age of Truth TV: Robert Steele on Global Crisis & More
See Also: https://robertdavidsteele.com
Anthony Judge: Mysterious Complementarity between Capitalism and Arsenalism Metaphors crucial to sustainability and the crisis of the times
Mysterious Complementarity between Capitalism and Arsenalism Metaphors crucial to sustainability and the crisis of the times Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold.
Mongoose: Are Crisis Actors and Freemasons Emergent in the Attack on China and the Global Economy?
Comments and Links Below the Fold
Andrey Kortunov: Middle East Needs Crisis Management Mechanism
A Crisis Management Mechanism in the Middle East Is Needed More Than Ever . . .it is clear that there is more than ever a need for some crises-management mechanism able to mitigate the potential consequences of new incidents, miscalculations, risks of escalation and so on. The absence of such a mechanism is already a …
Continue reading “Andrey Kortunov: Middle East Needs Crisis Management Mechanism”