J. C. Cole: Dead Russians, Khazarian Jews, & the US “Glass House”

American Gray Swans – April 2021 #3 “Dead Russians” So who killed more Russians than anybody else? It was the Communist Bolshevik Khazarians. This is the bloodline hiding behind being Jewish. Rarely does anybody ask who killed the most Russians? And further, why does it matter? After all most Americans think we won WW II. …

Matt Ehret: China and Russia: The New Guarantors for Justice in the Face of a Self-Cannibalizing West

China and Russia have made it absolutely clear that they recognize the sad fact that the oligarchy in firm control of the western alliance is adamantly intent on burning all possible diplomatic avenues of cooperation and dialogue as the Hindenburg of the western financial system continues to careen towards a fiery oblivion. It didn’t take …

Review: Red Mafiya – How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert I. Friedman

 5 Stars — Epic Reference With Two Gaps I have come to the conclusion that we need to bring our Special Operations hunter-killer teams home, and begin taking out gangsters using a special court and NSA data. They have no rights, they should be killed as needed. One has to read the book to grasp …

NATO Innovation Hub: Survey and Online Conference – Future Operational Environment

Survey U.S. Army’s Mad Scientist Initiative is conducting an online survey querying your thoughts about the Operational Environment. This survey will also feed NATO’s upcoming Operations 2040 Project. It takes only 5 minutes to complete the short survey here. Interim findings will be discussed during the 29 Jan online conference. 29 Jan Online Conference Together …

Robert Steele: Russia Deepens Support of Iran on Financial Matters, Iranian Parliament Passes Four Bills — and My Analysis

This headline came to my attention today: Russia informs Iran of its views about FATF While it deals with measures against money-laundering, it is part of the new alternative financial system in which China and Russia and Iran are easily creating a post-Western economic and financial system. Iran is now a peer to India as  …