Review: Orange Man Good – Cartoons from President Trump’s First Term BUY TODAY at Amazon, In Time For Gifting on Christmas!

Ben Garrison 5 Star America’s Greatest Conservative Cartoonist Charts the Ups, the Downs, the Laughs, the Criminal Insanity of the Deep State (Goliath) Against the Orange Man (David) There are no page numbers but I estimate this is over 250 CLASSIC cartoons that are a form of conservative cultural commentary that is priceless, particularly so …

Zero Hedge: Silicon Valley Gulag (Review of Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom

Silicon Valley Gulag Authored by Jason Morgan via The Mises Institute, [Review of Michael Rectenwald, Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom (Nashville, TN, and London: New English Review Press, 2019).] The near-homogeneity of Silicon Valley political beliefs has gone from wry punchline to national crisis in the United States.

Zero Hedge: China’s Gold-Backed Crypto to Finish US Dollar? Or . . .

The Next Pearl Harbour? China’s Gold-Backed Crypto Currency Will Blindside US Dollar Recent, financial pundit and TV host Max Keiser outlined such a scenario, and warned that the US will be blind-sided the day that China introduces its gold-backed crypto currency – an absolute game changer which would create a “catastrophic trapdoor opening underneath the US economy,” said Keiser. …

Robert Steele: Netanyahu Indicted — Are the US Traitors Next?

Netanyahu charged in corruption cases, deepening Israeli political disarray * Bribery, breach of trust and fraud among the charges ROBERT STEELE: A deal seems to have  been cut behind the scenes — a new era begins in Israel, perhaps leading to the end of Israel, the restoration of Palestine, and Jews living in peace in …