Berto Jongman: Kill the Messenger Movie, Gary Webb Interviews, CIA Drug Business Back in the News

American Drug War: The Last White Hope: Pre Release Cut(YouTube) The original Dark Alliance web portal (Narco News mirror/re-upload) Book: Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion (Amazon) Book: Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & ‘Project Truth’ Col James Sabow, USMC (RIP) Murder Book (Web Site) Video: Gary Webb on …

Tom Engelhardt: Failure is Success – How American Intelligence Works in the Twenty-First Century PLUS Robert Steele on Steps President Obama Could Take…

Failure Is Success: How American Intelligence Works in the Twenty-First Century “While taxpayer dollars flowed into your coffers, no one considered it a problem that the country lacked 17 overlapping outfits bent on preventing approximately 400,000 deaths by firearms in the same years; nor 17 interlocked agencies dedicated to safety on our roads, where more …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Search Implodes — Loss of Integrity in Every Respect

Google and Universal Search or Google Floudering with Search There have been some experts who have noticed that Google has degraded blog search. In the good old days, it was possible to query Google’s index of Web logs. It was not comprehensive, and it was not updated with the zippiness of years past. Search Engine …

Mike Lofgren: Investigative Commissions as Pretentious Cover-Up — the 9/11 Commission Ten Year On

How to Read a Government Commission Report: An Inquiry Into the 9/11 Commission’s 10th Anniversary Report As an inquiry into the complex subject of international terrorism, the 9/11 Commission’s 10th anniversary reprise is a slipshod farrago of circular argumentation, faulty reasoning and naïve gullibility about the claims of senior officials – but it does serve …

INTERVIEW: TheDailyBell Grills Robert Steele

Former CIA Spy Robert Steele Wants to Strangle Leviathan With ‘Open Source’ Governance With Anthony Wile TheDailyBell– June 29, 2014 The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Robert Steele SHORT URL:

Marcus Aurelius: LTG Alexander Charging Wall Street $1M a Month for Telling Them How They Are Vulnerable [Because He & His Predecessors Refused to Protect US C4I as Directed]

Accurate?  Ethical? Former NSA Director Charging $1 Million a Month to Reveal US Intelligence Methods. Gen. Keith Alexander, who recently retired from his position at the top of the National Security Agency, is reportedly meeting with top brass from the financial industry to discuss how to best protect sensitive information, and he’s likely to charge …