Review: Lines of Fire – A Renegade Writes on Strategy, Intelligence, and Security

Ralph Peters 5.0 out of 5 stars Six Star Epilogue, the Capstone Work, September 26, 2011 I have been a fan of Ralph Peters for over fifteen years now, going back to the early 1990’s when the US Marine Corps was trying to get the Secretary of Defense (then Dick Cheney) to focus on most …

DefDog: Defense Contractors Start the Big Lie Again–Jobs PLUS Winslow Wheeler Defense Budget Facts RECAP

More lies…big ones. Defense contractors launch campaign to end military spending cuts Los Angeles Times, September 14, 2011 Seeking to whip up public support for what’s expected to be a hard-fought budget battle in Congress, a group of defense contractors launched a lobbying campaign urging an end to cuts in military spending. The campaign, named …

Mario Profaca: US Lacks Cyber-Intelligence + RECAP

US lacks serious cyber intelligence Study says US government, business need to kick network security up a notch Michael Cooney Network World, 12 September 2011 There is an urgent need for businesses and our government to develop high-level cyber intelligence as a way to combat the unacceptable levels of online security threats because the current …

Worth A Look: Understanding 9/11 and 9/11 RECAP

Precedent works: Project for a New American Century Post-Event Illuminations: 2006  Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror 2007 Wesley Clark interview (March 2007): “We plan to take out 7 countries in 5 years” From Niels Groeneveld at Facebook: VIDEO:  9/11 Attack or Godsend (German and British Ministers) Decision to Invade Afghanistan …