Anthony Judge: Identification of Bullets – Human Right and Human Responsibility?

Phi Beta Iota: We identify food that kills people — and demand it be taken off the market. Should we do the same with bullets? Identification of Bullets: human right and human responsibility? Introduction Much is made of the implications of the arms trade and the spread of weapons, notably manufactured by the permanent members …

Gordon Cook: Policy Paper on Connectivity

Policy Paper on Connectivity 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3 Technical Background 3.1 Peering and Transit – How thousands of Networks become the Global Internet 4. Special Issues in Connectivity 4.1 Access for Scientists 4.2 Access for Rural Areas 4.3 Access for Citizens via a Civil Society Stakeholder Body 5.The Ecuadorian Political, Economic, and Infrastructural …

Event: 1 June Deadline Call for Papers Intelligence Studies Section International Studies Association

Phi Beta Iota: This would be a good year to begin begin serious about public intelligence (decision-support) and the necessarily deep integration of education, intelligence, and research, when a Smart Nation is created  through the proper development of M4IS2 and OSE. We strongly encourage prospective presenters from across the eigth tribes and the four domains, …

Berto Jongman: Jihadology – Pros and Cons and Outcomes of Imprisoning Muslims

GUEST POST: Damned if They Do, Damned if They Don’t: The Gordian Knot of Europe’s Jihadi Homecoming By Zach Goldberg Introduction The homecoming of Europe’s jihadi volunteers (or émigrés) from Syria remains an enduring source of public disquiet. That battle-hardened and radicalized Muslim-European passport holders would return to leverage acquired “skills” at home is a specter …

Robert Steele: Why Big Data is Stillborn (for Now) + Comments from EIN Technical Council

Big Data 101 Terabyte a day from a single sensor is a big deal. Put enough of them together and you get a petabyte that would take three years to transfor over existing legacy pipes. The “cloud” is fiction — picture using a straw to suck on the ocean. 01 Most pipes are in the …

Berto Jongman: Malaysia Airlines – Israeli False Flag to Implicate Iran, Gone Wrong?

Media Theories on Missing Flight MH370 Fail Analysis Though One Plausible Scenario, Consistent with Known Facts, Does Explain Mystery  By Doug E. Steil | Aletho News | March 17, 2014 Even though, the recent disappearance of Malaysian Flight MH370 continues to be a mystery, numerous scenarios that have been circulating in the past week can essentially …