1992 E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & intelligence (An Alternative Paradigm)

About the Idea, Articles & Chapters, Information Society, Intelligence (Collective & Quantum), Intelligence (Public), Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
Fall 1992
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“E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, and Intelligence” was inspired in part by Walter Truett Anderson's 1987 book, To Govern Evolution: Further Adventures of the Political Animal, and accepted by Howard Rheingold, whose 1986 book, Tools for Thought: The History and Future of Mind-Expanding Technology, was my first exposure to “intelligence” outside the secret bunker–my first realization that the secret world was isolated from a larger reality.

Intelligence Primer: How to Inform Policy

Articles & Chapters

Intelligence Primer: How to Inform Policy

Robert David Steele
Adjunct Faculty
Marine Corps University
Cleared for Publication 16 March 1992

NOTE: For reasons unknown, this version did not include endnotes. It draws heavily on the work of Jack Davis and Greg Treverton. Proper credit to them can be found in ON INTELLIGENCE: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World, Fairfax, VA: Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, 2000.

1992 National Intelligence Council: Open Source Task Force–A Vision for the Future

Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Historic Contributions, History of Opposition

1992 was a good year.  Everyone tried to do the right thing, but the forces of passive aggressive opposition were over-whelming.  Within the military, only the U.S. Marine Corps took this seriiously, and within the U.S. Intelligence Community (more like an archipelago) only the Defense Intelligence Agency–and within that agency only one man, Paul Wallner, took this seriously.  Everywhere we went, “nice to have, not invented here, certainly not interested in redirecting funds” was the refrain.  Below is a decent effort by decent people.

First Real Effort
First Real Effort