AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 17 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Should the AU outsource security operations? 08/14/09 BI: Burundi urged to punish perpetrators of human rights violations … 08/14/09 BW: ‘Botswana economy is going down the drain’ 08/13/09 CD: DR Congo’s Bemba released before war crimes trial 08/14/09 ET: Ethiopia’s resilient prime minister The two sides of Meles Zenawi 08/13/09 GH: Ghana’s …

Journal: Bing West on Futility of the Grunt War in Afghanistan

Flagged by Marcus Aurelius.  Bing West, former Marine and former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs during the Reagan Administration, has put some straight-forwawrd words into the Small Wars Journal with a bottom-line that has been known to all of us for decades, but merits repetition over and over again until we finally …

Journal: Shrinking Arctic ice will stretch a shrinking U.S. Navy

Small Wars Journal By Robert Haddick August 7, 2009 Climate change and reduced sea ice cover may result in opening up the Arctic to vastly increased resource development and commercial traffic. These trends will inevitably spark international conflicts and create a need for more military forces to provide security and protect interests in the Arctic …

Graphic: Earth Rescue Network Patch (Original)

This was designed by Robert Steele and is shared under Creative Commons copyright with commercial restriction.  There are two berets in existence, one in Sweden with Col Jan-Inge Svensson, the lead for peacekeeping intelligence and multinational information sharing, and one with Robert Steele, the lead for public intelligence in the public interest. Click on the …

True Cost Meme

The “true cost” meme as established by Paul Hawken and other leaders in ecological economics (such as Herman Daly) is an analytic concept that is embraced by Phi Beta Iota and should be clearly understood by all who wish to associate with or claim affiliation with Phi Beta Iota. Exxon, to take one example, did …