Robert Steele: EU Rejects Idea of a European Secret Service – Right Decision, Wrong Question, Missed Opportunity

EU Rejects Idea of a European Secret Service – Right Decision, Wrong Question, Missed Opportunity Defence and Intelligence Norway, 26 June 2016 DOC (5 Pages): Steele EU Rejects Secret Agency, Wrong Question (20160612) On 10 June 2016 the European Union (EU) Interior Ministers turned down the idea of creating a common European secret service to …

Owl: Trump Refused $200M Bribe from Sheldon Adelson to Name Newt Gingrich VP?

Bribe of Trump Didn’t Work First they (the Elite) tried to ignore Trump. Didn’t work. His star continuously rose. Next they tried to bombard Trump around the clock with slander and calumny. Didn’t work. Now he is the presumptive Republican nominee. Next, they tried to bribe him, according to this article, to hire the loathsome …

Can Bernie Sanders Break the DNC Rigging of the Super-Delegates? A Game Plan…

Sanders for President by Breaking the Super-Delegates? The Game Plan for Winning and Governing with Intelligence and Integrity Robert David Steele After Bernie won the New Hampshire primary, many progressive organizations figured out the daunting superdelegate math for Bernie, and started calling for the superdelegates to vote according to their state outcomes rather than their …

Berto Jongman: CIA & NATO Faked Russian Subs Against Sweden, with Swedish Military Collaboration

CIA, NATO and Swedish military plotted regime change in Sweden in the 1980s. ‘Heroes’ and victims of 80’s US disinformation provide clues to today’s Russian scare To win the cold war President Ronald Reagan formed a secret ‘deception committee’ for a disinformation campaign against the USSR On several occasions ‘disinformation’ put the world on the …