When the Network Bears Witness: Eyes On 24/7

When the Network Bears Witness: From Photosynth to Allsynth? Posted on April 20, 2011 by Patrick Meier I’ve blogged about Photosynth before and toyed around with the idea of an Allsynth platform, the convergence of multiple technologies and sensors  for human rights monitoring and disaster response. The idea would be to “stitch” pictures and video footage …

Cyber-IO: A New Form of Governance?

Information and Communication Technology in Areas of Limited Statehood: A New Form of Governance? I recently had the distinct pleasure of participating in a fascination workshop on “Information and Communication Technology in Areas of Limited Statehood: A New Form of Governance?” The workshop was organized by the Frei Universität’s program on Governance in Areas of Limited …

Public Intelligence Emergent: Citizen Network in Krygzstan to Check and then Counter Rumors

How To Use Technology To Counter Rumors During Crises: Anecdotes from Kyrgyzstan Patrick Meier | March 26, 2011 at 11:47 pm | Tags: rumors, Skype, SMS, validation | Categories: Crowdsourcing, Digital Activism, New Media | URL: http://wp.me/pecFU-1n8 I just completed a short field mission to Kyrgyzstan with UN colleagues and I’m already looking forward to …

Live Crisis Mapping: Routing Around Old Mindsets

OCHA, UNOSAT and NetHope have been collaborating with the Volunteer Technical Community (VTC) specifically CrisisMappers, Crisis Commons, Open Street Map, and the Google Crisis Response Team over the past week. The CrisisMappers Standby Task Force has been undertaking a mapping of social media, news reports and official situation reports from within Libya and along the …