Stephen E. Arnold: Google Math & Algorithms Not Trustworthy?

Google and Search Trust: Math Is Objective, Right? Trust, however, seems to mean different things to different people. Consider the write up “It’s Time to Stop Trusting Google Search Already.” The write up suggests that people usually trust Google. The main point is that those people should not trust Google.

Stephen E. Arnold: MongoDB Files IPO — Should Amazon Be Their Target?

Mongo DB Position upon Filing IPO This article at Datamation, “MongoDB’s Mongo Moment,” suggests MongoDB is focused on the wrong foe. As the company filed for its $100 million IPO, its CEO Dev Ittycheria observed that competitor Oracle is “vulnerable” because it has lost appeal to developers. However, writer Matt Asay asserts developers never were …

Stephen E. Arnold: Translations in the Cloud are Not Private — #GoogleGestapo Leverages Everything…

Privacy Is Lost in Translation Online translation tools are a wonder!  Instead of having to rely on limited dictionaries and grammars, online translation tools deliver real-time, nearly accurate translations of documents and other text.  It is usually good to double check the translation because sometimes the tools do make mistakes.  Translation tools, however, can make …

Stephen E. Arnold: Cyber-Weapon Market Booming

Short Honk: Cyber Weapon Market In November 2017, the focus of Beyond Search and HonkinNews will change. The free information services will increase their coverage of weaponized online. A preview of the type of information we will highlight appears in “Cyber Weapon Market to Reach US$521.87 Billion by the End of 2021.

Stephen E. Arnold: Google to Fund News — Only Google-Approved News with Be “True” News

Google-Publishers Partnership Chases True News It appears as though Google is taking the issue of false information, and perhaps even their role in its perpetuation, seriously; The Drum reveals, “Google Says it Wants to Fund the News, Not Fake It.” Reporters Jessica Goodfellow and Ronan Shields spoke with Google’s Madhav Chinnappa to discuss the Digital …