Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo Serf Reports on Death of Publishers

Demonizing the Ever Helpful Alaphabet Google XXVI Things Gentle reader, I am horrified at the indirect vilification of my beloved Alphabet Google XXVI things. You must judge for yourself. Navigate to “A Serf on Google’s Farm.” A serf, as I understand the term is a person who is in thrall to a noble. The noble …

Stephen E. Arnold: The Noisy (Useless?) Internet

Optimizing the Noisy Internet Humans love to complain, especially the older generations about how their youth was superior to the current day.  Alan Franzoni rants about how the Internet has gotten too noisy in “Stopping The Internet Noise-A Useful Internet Back Again.”  Franzoni complains that the modern Internet is not as useful as the Internet …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Invests in Robot Reporters — Where’s the Truth?

Google Invests in Robot Reporters People fear that robots will replace them in the workforce, but reporters did not have to deal with this worry.  Machines lack the capability to write cohesive news pieces, except that robots are getting smarter.  Google might become the bane of news reporters, because of Business Insider shares that, “Google …

Stephen E. Arnold: Dark Web Notebook — Core Reference

Stephen E Arnold: Dark Web Use Expected to Increase Author predicts filtering and other restrictions on the open Internet will push more users toward secret encrypted platforms Despite stepped-up efforts by federal and local law enforcement agencies, the Dark Web and the contraband markets that thrive there will continue to grow in the coming years. …