#UNRIG Video (18:29) 5G Danger – China vs US, 5G – EMF Protection for You and Family using Energy Wellness
See Also: 5G @ Phi Beta Iota and also Invisible Rainbow @ Phi Beta Iota
See Also: 5G @ Phi Beta Iota and also Invisible Rainbow @ Phi Beta Iota
5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells An international study shared on the National Institute of Health website found that 5G technology is absorbed by skin cells and can alter DNA in a way that actually produces CV (Coronaviruses) within the human body.
Pathologist found blood clots in ‘almost every organ’ during autopsies on COVID-19 patients I was the first to connect 5G to the fake pandemic (real virus, real deaths) in my mid-February article, Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? I have known for years of nano-bots inserted …
Alert Reader sent in orginal story. 5G expert Mark Steele (no relation to Robert Steele) comments. It will be easily confirmed if they do post mortem and find coagulated bloods, fibrosis of the lung, pneumonia type symptoms including edema of the cardiovascular system. Have the Elephants had any vaccinations? This will increase risk and they …
Classified 1977 Soviet study, declassified by the CIA in 2012, on the biological impact of several frequencies in the 5G range. The impact is system-wide and definitely non-trivial – examined at 15 minutes / day for only 60 days. PDF (5 Pages): 1977 Soviet Study on 5G Severe Biological Impact
The Brave New World of Bill Gates and Big Telecom” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dafna Tachover Imagine a world where the government doesn’t need police officers to apprehend those surfers or ticket you when you violate social distancing with your girlfriend. Suppose that computers discover your beach trip by tracking your movements using …