SchwartzReport: US DoE Proposes to Recycle Radioactive Metal Into Consumer Products Secretary Chu’s Final Disgraceful Act + Eugenics & GMO RECAP

Several readers sent me different versions of this story and, at first, I thought this is not possible. These stories are some kind of urban legend. But, to my amazement, it turns out this is true. It is hard to believe anyone, even the greediest, could be this stupid. But there you are. I urge …

SchwartzReport: Seven Sins of GMO Lobby — Toxicity & Infertility — True Cost of Commercialization and Corruption of Basic Science

Here is a very sound paper on the activities of the pro-GMO lobby, and their assault on the integrity of science. The pro-GM lobby’s seven sins against science Peter Melchett Soil Association, 17 December 2012 The role that genetically modified (GM) food should play in our food chain is a highly contested political issues. One …

Ann Delap: Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 15

Part 15 The depopulation agenda is further exposed. The use of food additives, toxic chemicals in consumer products, GMOs and family planning are examined. Most of the additives in food, water, beauty, care and cleaning products are poisonous. Many cause cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. There are metal casings in some food products which result in …

J C. Cole: Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates’ Empires

Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates’ Empires Above is an excellent interview with a Dr of Quantum Physics. She spells out clearly the 6th extinction and how it is being done. I suggest you take a listen. The solution, Regeneration International. Local control of healthy food production and seed saving, seed freedom, …

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

10 Days I thought I heard somewhere that 10 days after Superbowl something epic will happen. Any idea of what this may have been and is there still time left to unfold? Antarctica What do you know about Antarctica and why is it off limits to everyone except the elites?