Climate Change, HAARP, Process, Politics, Power

“Remember than one one’s conspiracy is another man’s business plan.” “Climate change (both sides) is all about politics.” Phi Beta Iota: We are at the intersection of ideology, social conditioning, weak education, and the culmination of decades of power politics that have produced a severely retarded i.e. damaged collective psyche.  The collective intelligence movement can …

Live Crisis Mapping: Routing Around Old Mindsets

OCHA, UNOSAT and NetHope have been collaborating with the Volunteer Technical Community (VTC) specifically CrisisMappers, Crisis Commons, Open Street Map, and the Google Crisis Response Team over the past week. The CrisisMappers Standby Task Force has been undertaking a mapping of social media, news reports and official situation reports from within Libya and along the …

Kajoo: Open Source Civic Engagement Platform

There is no info on the homepage yet but the press release is below – + the code is available at 10th March, 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Open Source Civic Engagement Platform “Kajoo” ready to launch at SXSW 2011 is already the year of Internet-fuelled civic revolution. The immediacy and reach of the …

Director of National Intelligence Self-Destructs…Again

Senator: Remarks about Libya ‘should be the final straw’ for Clapper (CNN) Clapper lambastes Russia; wait, isn’t Joe Biden in Russia? (The Hill) U.S. Intelligence Chief Says Qaddafi Has Edge in Conflict (NYT) US should keep up Lebanon military aid: intel chief (AFP) Losing Libya III (PajamasMedia) Phi Beta Iota: We used to admire Jim …