Reference: Knowledge Management Elements

Knowledge Management Specialties By Stan Garfield (Twitter: @stangarfield) – Revised September 1, 2010 The field of knowledge management includes a wide variety of components and disciplines.  Here is a list of 25 specialties practiced by those in the field, followed by Tara Pangakis list of 50 KM components across people, processes, and technologies. Sharing, culture, …

Hyperlink-Notes on the Future of Education (and the future is now) from Bits to Bots

There are differences between “learning” and “education,” but hopefully more people can be inspired to blur the two further than we currently see happening. Open Courseware, Audio and Video: Open Courseware Consortium M.I.T. Open Courseware M.I.T. open courseware YouTube channel List of courses by subject (May 2007) The University of Chicago on iTunes U, University …

Journal: 20th Century Clunkers vs 21st Century Slims

Visualizing the difference between 20th and 21st Century management I wrote last month about the biggest difference between 20th and 21st Century management. I said there that management in the 20th Century was about achieving a finite goal: delivering goods and services, to make money. Management in the 21st Century by contrast is about the …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Carol Dumaine

Ms. Carol Dumaine is one of a very small number of individuals who have sought to pursue what Gifford Pinchot calls “intrapreneurship,” but on a global scale. She first came to international attention when she pioneered Global Futures Partnership, an analytic endeavor seeking to enhance outreach and cross-fertilization across varied communities of practice. She received …

Journal: Bloom Box, Bloom Energy, Bloom for Real?

Current  BloomEnergy Website Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 20100904  Bloom Energy and Bloom Box Fuel Cell, IPO, and Stock Symbol Updates 20100226 Bloom Box Video: K.R. Sridhar Bloom Energy press conference 20100224 UK  Launch of the Bloom box fuel cell generates a slice of Apple hype 20100224 CBS on YouTube Bloom Box Unveiled (30 second advertisement …