Charles Eisenstein: The Lid Is Off – An End to Allowable Hypocrisy?

The Lid is Off It is getting harder to keep a secret these days. The collective shadow of our society, once safely relegated to the dark basement of the unmentionable, is now exposed to daylight, forcing us to face our contradictions. I’ll offer three examples: Donald Trump’s leaked recordings, Hillary Clinton’s emails and Wall Street …

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Inspect & Train

Nobody, anywhere, is doing Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) “right.” There are some nodes where exceptional achievements are the norm in isolation, but by and large, what various governments and corporations are doing and calling “OSINT” is nothing more than very wasteful largely useless Open Source Information (OSIF).  At the same time, no consumer is doing …

Stephen E. Arnold: US Government’s Flawed Content Management Procurement

Phi Beta Iota: Above is our editorial title. The author’s original title is below. What Content Management Systems Ring the Chimes of US Government Procurement Teams? The answer to this question does not require a consultant in content management or, as the insiders term it, CMS. Navigate to Digital Gov’s run down. The list is, …

Training: Black OSINT – Robert Steele & Steve Arnold on The Dark Side

ROBERT STEELE: Because this post will live forever online, and the topics we will discuss are virtually classified, I offer a more revealing snapshot here with additional details below the fold: Every official web monitoring system — including so-called “white” portals — has been compromised. Governments (and their contractors) simply do not know what they …

Nik Peachey: Webinar Tool

Useful free platform for anyone who wants to share or sell their expertise through live webinars. is one option to consider. A practice account is free forever and provides unlimited webinars and unlimited attendees, webinar recording and storage, simple video content creation, private rehearsal options, and screen sharing for hosts. This free option would …

Robert Steele: Reflections on China, Open Source, & the Craft of Intelligence UPDATE 1

The below article is important to those thinking about open source software in Europe: Why China is the next proving ground for open source software The article, from TechRepublic, focuses on the Chinese taking the lead in open source software related to big data infrastructure.  “China scale” is a term that should be noted. My …