Owl: Manufactured Ebola Crisis — the Three Benefits for the 1% of a Biological 9/11

(Manufactured) Ebola Crisis is the Biological 9-11 for the Whole World – a Gift from the .01% Internet radio financial pundit Richard Martin recently stated: “”In 1915 there were 15 million horses in the US. By 1950, even though the human population had expanded exponentially, there were only 1 million horses, a result of the …

Robert Steele: Ebola Today – Alex Jones Today UPDATE: Vaccines, Earth Healing

UPDATE 7 OCT 14 to add vaccines and vitamin c, infection and mutation rate, additional references from Berto Jongman, Marcus Aurelius, and Owl. From where I sit, there are four threads to be explored in relation to Ebola; I will be discussing these with Alex Jones at 1 pm EST tomorrow. 01 CDC incompetence and …


For All Book Reviews (Robert Steele & Guest), use Reviews. Books By and With Robert Steele (includes Amazon links and free online links). All books available for translation into any foreign language, email robert.david.steele.vivas [at] gmail [dot] com to discuss. Translations of chapters or entire books will be posted at Phi Beta Iota as they …

Owl: Ebola Eugenics, Ebola Profits, Ebola Contagion at US Summit?

Ebola: Has the Great Cull Begun Using the 21rst Century’s Spanish Flu? In a recent post that Wayne Madsen has since removed, he answered this question affirmatively – that Ebola is the chosen agent by the Elite to achieve their population reductions goals. Even if one has doubts about such a theory, everything expressed in …

Owl: Zionist Loaded MH17 with Infected Cadavers — Did Putin Prevent Bio-War? US Complicit with Zionists? Berto Jongman References & Wayne Madsen Latest

NEW (Repeated in Reference Section): NEW: What We Don’t Know About Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 . . . NEW: Downed Airliner: Fake Audio Tape Shows US-Backed Hit to Frame Russia NEW: Wayne Madsen MH-17: Beware of the «Chameleon» Did Putin Prevent Israeli-Originated World War Z? Long comment and multiple additional references below the fold. All …

Jon Rappoport: The Next US False Flag? – Bio-Terror Using Toxic Chemical That Kills and Then Dissipates?

How they would stage a bioterror event There are future scenarios which, with enough exposure before they happen, can be stopped, or at least analyzed correctly when they occur. A staged bioterror event is one of those. The primary fact is: no matter what kind of germ you’re talking about or where it came from, …

Mini-Me: US Intelligence Community’s Kodak Moment — IMPLOSION — Comment by Robert Steele

Huh? The U.S. Intelligence Community’s Kodak Moment The game is changing rapidly. Can Washington’s intelligence community keep up? Josh Kerbel National Interest, 15 May 2014 Josh Kerbel is the Chief Analytic Methodologist at the Defense Intelligence Agency. He writes often and openly on the intersection of government (especially intelligence) and globalization. The views expressed in …