SchwartzReport: GMO = Genetic Damage

Here is the latest peer-reviewed research on GMOs and their effects on humans, in this case children.This is a nasty business driven by one imperative: Greed. Children in GM soy-growing area of Argentina have genetic damage Media article in Spanish     .     Study in English

IVN Steele on Electoral Reform Part 16: The Statement of Demand

IVN Steele on Electoral Reform Part 16: The Statement of Demand Independent Voter Network, 20 April 2012 I am neither wealthy nor influential.  All I have is intelligence and integrity.  Neither of these appear to be in demand at this time.  As I look at all of the candidates running for President — without exception …

Buying Democracy = Bribe $1 Gets $760 Back

For Every Dollar Spent Influencing US Politics, Corporations Get $760 Back The first time we read the recent analysis by the Sunlight Foundation in which it combed through 14 million corporate records, including data on campaign contributions, lobbying expenditures, federal budget allocations and spending, in order to determine the “rate of return” on lobbying and …

Mongoose: Change Presidential Debate Rules? Cosmetic Deception!

This is theatrical — not a real reform at all. New group calls for changes in presidential debate rules Philip Rucker Washington Post, 17 March 2015 A group of political elders, concerned that the American public is losing faith in the presidential election system, is pushing for changes to general-election debate rules to make it …