Open Power: Revolution Now! Non-Violently — for Electoral Reform Act of 2015 in Time for 2016

Revolution Now – Non-Violently – for Electoral Reform in 2015 Want an Honest Government Of, By, and For We the 99%? Here’s How. Robert David STEELE Vivas (Native-Born Bi-Lingual Pissed-Off Latino Activist) I cannot stress this enough: whatever your issue, however righteous and important it might be, it will never get a fair hearing as …

Michel Bauwens: Integral Research Methodology

* Essay: Integral Review and its Editors. By Sara Ross, Reinhard Fuhr, Michel Bauwens, et al. INTEGRAL REVIEW 1, 2005.  Excerpt: Beyond Perspectives, Reductionisms and Layers. By Michael Bauwens, pp. 14-17. The Integral approach can be seen as a reaction against the limitations and unforeseen effects of the previous methods. Unlike analytical science, it focuses …

Open Power: Libertarian Focus

We are splitting Open Power in three to make it easier for the different constituencies to work with what particularly interests them.The original will remain focused on the Electoral Reform Act of 2015. Tools can be seen at Here is the Tiny URL for Libertarians:  Home page remains Robert Steele Short Bio …

Karl Denninger: The Search for Unicorns

The Search For Unicorns EXTRACT Arithmetic is truth folks.  It cannot be swayed by political argument nor by appeals to authority.  All such attempts that fail the essential test of fundamental algebra must be challenged and exposed as unworkable.  Further, those who proposed such fundamentally-disprovable theorems must be called out; we must insist that they either …

SchwartzReport: Citizens Name US Government as #1 Problem — 69% Not Satisfied PBI: More Attacks on Police Certain

This is dangerous territory. When two thirds of the people in a democracy are dissatisfied with the government but feel unable to change it, social unrest arises. Americans Name Government as No. 1 U.S. Problem Though issues such as terrorism, healthcare, race relations and immigration have emerged among the top problems in recent polls, government, …