SPECIAL: CENSORED Trump Poisoned? by Mike Adams with Alex Jones UPDATE 5

This story is being censored by the mainstream and social media that block Natural News (as well as Phi Beta Iota) from being seen by most. EXCLUSIVE – President Trump makes unscheduled stop at military hospital to undergo battery of tests for possible deliberate poisoning of food with “time delayed” chemical agent; food tester gravely …

Mongoose: Bill Gates, Geoengineering, Depopulation

BOMBSHELL: Geoengineering Experiment Funded By Bill Gates Is Tied To Depopulation Mac Slavo A global geoengineering experiment, which is being pushed by Bill Gates and funded by a Nazi-linked foundation has been tied to a depopulation and eugenics agenda. According to Natural News, the globalist propaganda network CNBC has just released a new video (see …