Robert Steele: Human Intelligence and Open Source Technologies in Singularity Weblog

Human Intelligence and Open Source Technologies Robert Steele on February 1, 2016 in SingularityWeblog The current fads Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) are hot current fads. Both technologies have been a long time in gestation. The ramp-up has taken decades. The current bet – one I do not agree with – is that …

Farm Hack

We are a worldwide community of farmers that build and modify our own tools. We share our hacks online and at meet ups because we become better farmers when we work together.  Learn more.

Yoda: Farm from a Box

A complete, off-grid toolkit for community farming. Farm from a Box provides communities with the tools required to feed themselves and build a strong livelihood. Built from a modified shipping container, each unit contains a complete ecosystem of technologies required to enhance agricultural productivity; from renewable power and irrigation, to Information and Communications Technology.  

Sepp Hasslberger: The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) with Comments from Phi Beta Iota Editors

This is about de-centralising the net, distributing the data to the periphery where it’s needed, rather than running everything through big data pipes and central servers… HTTP is obsolete. It’s time for the distributed, permanent web HTTP is broken. It’s time for the distributed, permanent web. The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia …

Blake Percival, IC Security Clearance Whistleblower, Wins One on the Margins

The whistleblower who exposed U.S.’s flawed security clearance system finally gets his reward By Christian Davenport, The Washington Post, 18 December 2015 “I hate that we dump,” one of them confided. “What do you mean?” Blake Percival asked. The answer — that the company was cutting corners performing the federal background checks used in granting …