Stephen E. Arnold: Elsevier Threatened by Google Patent Search

Google Patent Search: Wake Up Call EXTRACT Patent searches conducted on the for fee services from Thomson Reuters and Reed Elsevier can be expensive. There are also some useful “free” services such as   . . .   In short, the Google may be looking at the hundreds of millions of revenue available from those with …

Stephen E. Arnold: Islamic State Propaganda West Neither Gets Nor Contests — Accept Our Rules, Gain Stability

Worthy of a full read — a classic failure of US intelligence and strategic communication filters. Islamic State propaganda: what the West doesn’t understand Ruth Pollard in Sydney Morning Herald Beirut: Behind the ultra-violent execution videos that have become the Islamic State’s disturbing trademark is a carefully calibrated set of messages aimed not at terrorising but …

Stephen E. Arnold: Social Media Fakery

Misinformation and Truth: An Issue in Play Navigate to “Italian Newspaper Creates Fake Restaurant to Prove TripAdvisor Sucks.” The story tells the story of a real journalistic operation which created a non existent restaurant. Then the real journalists contributed reviews of the vaporous eatery. TripAdvisor’s algorithms sucked in the content and, according to the write …