David Swanson: Bank of America Prepares for Shareholders Meeting as if Under Assault

Bank of America Prepares for Shareholders Meeting as if Under Assault Bank of America has hired G4S for its shareholder meeting.  According to Wikipedia: “G4S plc (formerly Group 4 Securicor) (LSE: GFS, OMX: G4S) is a global security services company headquartered in Crawley, United Kingdom. It is the world’s largest security company measured by revenues and has …

Chuck Spinney: Why Doesn’t Spain Understand that Integrity is Priceless?

One of core component’s of the neoliberal agenda is privatization of state assets.  Attached is one countries reaction to the inequalities and economic distortions privatization introduces. CS Afloat in the Mediterranean Piracy as good policy by Serge Halimi Le Monde Diplomatique, 1 May, 2012 The head of state, confident after electoral victory, tells the governor …

Venessa Miemis: Birth of a Meme – The Rise of Culture Tech

Birth of a Meme: The Rise of Culture Tech I’ve been tracking emerging trends for a while now, exploring the co-evolution of humanity and our technologies, and building visions of the kinds of futures I’d like to see. Lately, I’ve found myself a bit restless, wondering “what’s next?” The conferences and gatherings I’m attending are beginning …

DefDog: Counter-IED Network Analysis – Works for Law Enforcement, Ignored by US Military

When we worked on the Manhunting Project for SOCOM, the US Marshall’s Service said that fugitive hunting was all about network analysis. The IC doesn’t understand network analysis as the bean counters push for numbers….they focus on low hanging fruit and as a result there is always some guy out there ready to step up …

Gary North: Do NOT Under-Estimate Bernanke’s Ignorance

Ben Bernanke’s Judy Garland Impersonation by Gary North “Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high.” Federal Reserve Board chairman Ben Bernanke delivered a speech on April 13 on “Rethinking Finance.” It certainly needs to be rethought at the highest levels. Unfortunately, Dr. Bernanke has not yet begun the process. Thinking, yes. Not rethinking. He ended …