Mini-Me: Israeli Cover Company Zim Shipping Knew Six Months in Advance 9/11 Was Coming…Here Is the Proof.

Huh? Zim Shipping: New Evidence suggests Six Months Foreknowledge of the September 11th Attack Keith Maart Veterans Today, 21 February 2014 Zim American-Israeli Shipping (“Zim”) was the predecessor company of the present Zim Integrated Shipping Services and was 49 percent owned by the Israeli government on 9/11. In 2004, the Israeli government sold their interest to …

Owl: Epidemic of Banker Suicides — CIA Role? What Will We Learn Soon? [3 Articles]

Lots of Banker Suicides – or Bankers Suicided – Lately There has been a rash of articles coming out of the alternative Web press in the last 2-3 weeks about the untimely deaths of bankers, financiers, financial journalists and Wall Street types that smell, in most cases, very fishy, and the number and frequency of …

Review: How America Was Lost – From 9/11 to the Police/Warfare State

Paul Craig Roberts 5.0 out of 5 stars Most Credible Consistent Truth-Teller I Read…., February 21, 2014 I have been following Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of Treasury in the Reagan Administration, for years. Originally he specialized in economic commentary, and I was much taken with his hard-hitting critical commentary and particularly his …

INVITE Robert Steele to Speak & Nurture & Energize!

SHORT URL: PDF with links (2 pages): 2014-03-07 Robert David Steele Speaker Profile Professional CV with publications (15 pages): 2014-03-03 Resume PRB OK CV Pubs 15 Pages PAGE ONE Robert David STEELE Vivas is a former spy, honorary hacker, and the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 categories. As CEO of Earth …