Patrick Meier: The Digital Operations Center of the American Red Cross

The Digital Operations Center at the American Red Cross is an important and exciting development. I recently sat down with Wendy Harman to learn more about the initiative and to exchange some lessons learned in this new world of digital  humanitarians. One common challenge in emergency response is scaling. The American Red Cross cannot be …

Worth a Look: THE SMART NATION ACT – Public Intelligence in the Public Interest

From the Publisher This book, while available to the public and especially to those who hope to restore informed democracy by reducing secret back room deals and lies based on secrecy, was actually published in order to distribute 1,000 copies to every Senator, every Representative, every Governor, and every Cabinet Officer, as well as 200 …

Chuck Spinney: Analysis of Cost of Neo-Con Idiocy on Iran

The attached essay by investigative journalist Robert Parry is an excellent — and important — summary of the trashing of the Iranian nuke deal in 2010. CS How Neocons Sank Iran Nuke Deal Exclusive: Iran is resuming talks over its nuclear program with leading international powers – the United States, Britain, Russia, China, France and …

2012 Reality Sandwich: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic

The Battle for the Soul of the Republic Reality Sandwich, 10 April 2012 Robert David Steele Vivas The National Security Agency (NSA) mega-data center, combined with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) special relationship with Google, and the federalization of local police using Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funds to pay for monitoring both the locations …

Mini-Me: Bin Laden death-detecting analytics service signs partnership with Twitter

Huh? Bin Laden death-detecting analytics service signs partnership with Twitter A Twitter analytics company that said it detected Osama bin Laden’s death before it was reported by the news media has signed a partnership with Twitter, and is expanding the availability of its service for notifying financial firms and government clients of highly unusual events. …

Dophin: Intelligent Life at Washington Post (Blog) — True Costs Snapshot

Every once in a while, there is a flash of intelligence at The Washington Post. This short blog illuminates both the true costs of various options around carbon emissions, and the importance of considering “360 degree” trade-offs. Sucking carbon dioxide out of the air: Neat idea, but impractical Posted by Brad Plumer at 03:01 PM …